Ten Things I Learned from Ayahuasca

#1 Gratitude: The practice of gratitude is not simply “saying” thank you, but allowing yourself to feel into the experience of being grateful. If you are alive, no matter your present situation, you have something to be deeply grateful for. Trust this to be true, and give yourself the gift of gratitude, by allowing yourself to be fully present and aware of how blessed you are. 

#2 Forgiveness: Everyone who has hurt you over the course of your life was doing the best they could, at the level of consciousness they were at, at the time. This includes you. Our most difficult experiences are often the ones that have shaped us the most. As we let go of the victim mentality, we begin to realize that our hardships were some of our greatest teachers. Holding onto anger or resentment, towards others or ourselves, is a burden that we no longer have to bear. Remember that "hurt people", hurt people. You don't need to carry their pain. Forgive others, not for them, but for you. Then forgive yourself too.

#3 Perfection: You are perfect just the way you are. There is not a single thing about you that is flawed. Your appearance, your voice, your personality, your talents and gifts are all precisely designed, so that you can have the experience you came here for. We often compare ourselves to others, thinking that we would be happier if we were more like them. This just simply isn’t true. You are perfectly designed to have the experiences you ultimately need and desire at a soul-level. Trust this, and allow yourself to feel into your perfection, so that you may receive all the blessings the universe has in store for you.

#4 Abundance: The universe is infinitely abundant. There is more than enough for every single soul on this planet to have everything they need, and experience all they desire. Lack is simply a state of mind that attracts more lack. Abundance is a mindset, first and foremost. When we see that the universe is infinite, and that there is an endless supply of love and creativity available within us, we can rest assured knowing that all will be taken care of. We must simply align with it, and allow ourselves to receive. Don't worry about the "how". That's beyond your pay-grade. The universe will reorganize around your inner state of abundance, and provide you with all that you need, to get to where you want, in divine timing.

#5 Fear: The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. We tend to turn away from our fears. Whether your fear takes the form of a phobia of an insect, fear of hell, or death, the truth is that there is absolutely nothing to fear. Rather than avoid your fears, gently lean into them. Ask them what they want to teach you. The medicine that your greatest fears have to offer you is extremely potent and powerful, and right on the other side of that fear, is a state of bliss, joy, and love that you cannot even comprehend until you experience it.

#6 Vulnerability: Vulnerability is the key to authentic connection. Being open and honest about your fears, insecurities, struggles, and mistakes gives others permission to open up, and accept themselves, too. We all share the same emotions, but are often afraid to show these to others, thinking it will make us unlovable or undesirable. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Real authentic connection is made possible when we open up and share ourselves honestly. When we share in this way, we give others the permission to share their feelings, as well as the opportunity to show us unconditional love. This is the key to unlocking our capacity to heal ourselves and to be of service in the healing of others.

#7 Love: The universe is made of unconditional love. Plain and simple. All fear-based, divisive, religious and cultural programming is false. Period. We all come from the same source. We are all so much more than our identity, the color of our skin, our personal and ancestral trauma, or origin story. Let us learn about, honor and respect each other’s differences while focusing on the things that we all share. We are more alike than we allow ourselves to realize.

#8 Nature: Mother nature is so precisely designed, it is awe-inspiring. There is so much that we are unaware of and cannot comprehend with our senses. The wisdom of the plants, insects, birds and animals is beyond anything we can comprehend, though we can appreciate the interconnectedness of it all, and bask in the glory of witnessing this divine creation. The way forward is to live in harmony with all beings, and to respect the natural habitats of all things. Becoming more conscious of our impact on the environment is the key to our healing as human beings. The entire world outside of us, is inside of us as well. Let’s treat all things as we wish to be treated.

#9 Medicine: You are medicine for the world. Just as Ayahuasca is medicine for your soul, your soul is medicine for the world. Realize that the highest calling of your soul is precisely what the world needs. Your impact is infinitely greater than you can fathom. Follow your heart, be who you are, do what you love, and realize that you, by being you, wholly you, is the medicine that we need.

#10 Heaven: The kingdom of heaven lies within the heart. All the love that you have ever desired, is right there within you. Find the kingdom of heaven within. It has been there all along, patiently waiting for you to crack open your heart, and awaken to it. This is the power of the medicine. It shows you what is really on the inside. It is our divine birthright to access this kingdom of heaven within, and bask in the love that we are. The Source was always, and will always be, inside of you.

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